The general director of Citizen Security and Emergencies, Antonio Luis Mula, met today with the mayor of Fortuna, Finabel Martínez, to discuss the seven local police positions and that of sub-inspector that the town council will create through the 'Program of aid to local police of the municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia 2021-2025 '.Mula highlighted "the boost that the regional aid will provide for the municipalities that contemplate the creation of local police positions." Fortuna is in the section of aid for municipalities between 5,000 and 24,000 inhabitants and "plans to create seven positions in the local police force that will also be reinforced with a new position for sub-inspector."The new program, endowed with 94.2 million euros, articulates the necessary mechanisms to promote the creation, by the municipalities, of 600 new personnel in the next five years, until reaching 2,850 agents among the 45 municipalities of the Region of Murcia.During the meeting, the operation of the Emergency Civil Protection Plan for Forest Fires in the Region of Murcia (Infomur Plan) in the municipality was also evaluated.
The Fortuna City Council joined the plan this year through an agreement with the General Directorate of Citizen Security and Emergencies.
Source: CARM