The Cabinet has approved a proposal of the Ministry of Culture and Spokesperson, Decree on the declaration as a Cultural Interest (BIC), with monument category, the Cueva Negra changes.
The purpose is the definition of good and setting its environment protection.
Located in the town of Fortuna, the Black Cave is a natural cavity in which a number of Latin inscriptions in verse, painted in red, referring to deities of the Roman pantheon, like nymphs, Venus and Bacchus, well preserved and its visitors.
This is one of the most important monuments of ancient history in the Iberian Peninsula by both Virgilian allusions of verses as refined literary style of some of them.
These denote the high level of their respective pilgrims probably related to the nearby Sanctuary of Waters (current Roman Baths Fortuna).
Most of the texts were made in the first and second centuries AD Although most of the inscriptions studied focus on two panels of reduced dimensions, it is certain that these covered much of the walls of the cave.
The delimitation of the monument comprises an irregular polygon that includes the cave, the source of water, in 1985 excavated the area and the nearby prehistoric shelter.
In addition, hydraulic structures located at the foot of the mountain up.
On 2 April 2014 the initiation of proceedings for the definition and delimitation of the property, which also has favorable reports from the University of Murcia and Real Academy Alfonso X the Wise agreed.
Source: CARM