The Council of Government has authorized, at the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Universities, an agreement with the City of Fortuna by which the professionals of the Early Care Center of said municipality can collaborate with the technicians of the Ministry in the schools of the Area in the specialized assistance to students with specific needs of educational support.
The actions contemplated in the intervention program will be carried out in the own educational center and in the established school schedule.
The professionals of the municipal center of Early Attention designated by the City Council will develop the intervention program entering the ordinary classroom of the school where the students are the object of intervention, without impairing the functions that correspond to the professionals of the centers and the Educational Counseling and Psychopedagogical Counseling Team, and in coordination with them.
The development of the agreement does not require any economic commitment on the part of the Ministry, since the expenses incurred in the implementation of the integration program will be borne by the City of Fortuna.
Source: CARM