Secretary of Strategic Action PSRM, Antonio Jesus Garcia Conesa, today expressed his conviction for the performance of the PP mayor of Fortuna, which drove this morning to the Socialist spokesman of a sitting after repeatedly refusing to intervene.
The mayor "popular" in Fortuna, Matias Carrillo, who is condemned by the Justice for vote buying, used regularly in plenary sessions a strategy is not to say a word during the intervention turns and replication of local groups (which he same distribution), and is at the end when he intervenes.
Then, Carrillo, when no one can retort, is dedicated to discrediting the Socialist Party.
When this occurs, the socialist city spokesman, Alonso Ruiz, sought intervention "by allusions", which is covered by the Organization and Functioning Regulations (ROF) of the Local Authorities.
Carrillo is never granted.
Today, Alonso insisted intervene in what he considers an attitude "political coward," the mayor, who refuses to discuss with the PSOE.
Carrillo then expelled him from the plenary, assuring that "there was going to happen no one."
The rest of the socialist group of councilors sympathized with Alonso and left the House.
According to Garcia Conesa, "the mission of a mayor is to moderate the debate and, if desired, participate in it, but never hide and speak at the end, when the others have no right of reply".
"In the case of Matias Carrillo, the matter is particularly serious because as mayor has no legitimacy because it is condemned by the Justice for buying votes," he added.
"It is unacceptable that Valcárcel purview of this situation and keep a mayor sentenced in front of a municipality, under the initials PP," he concluded.