Valcárcel welcomes Mariano Rajoy "have undone the wrong way had to do with Zapatero" and that "3600 will come into Murcia 2014 System of the Unit"
Executive President of Murcia and the People's Party of the Region of Murcia, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, today stressed "the commitment and support of the PP for dependents", citing the 1.5 million that DG Social Policy and Social Action Institute Murciano they will spend on new aid for the Third Sector to combat poverty through social organizations working in this direction, and that includes soup kitchens.
Valcárcel was speaking during a ceremony held social policy at the Center for Persons with Disabilities Day 'Reina Sofia' Fortuna, which has participated with the executive secretary of the regional Social Policy PP, Thomas Violante, the Mayor Fortuna and president of the local PP, Catherine Smith, the Minister for Health and Social Policy, María Ángeles Palacios, and the Deputy Secretary General Sectoral, Regional Studies and Programs PP, Inmaculada González.
Before a large audience, Valcárcel has indicated that commitment to the most vulnerable people "does not belong to the left, as some want to 'sell' to the public," recalling that "after this budget item added 1.5 million the more than three million to ensure basic care to those who need it sleeps in shelters and homes, through a consolidated system and give stability to the system with more than 70,000 rooms a year. "
The president of the regional government has also referred to the efforts of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy to cover the basic needs of families who have exhausted all other means of financial support, "coverage is assured with the budget for the Inserting Basic Income, which rises next year to 6.7 million, 1.7 million more than this year, which has served 2,300 families. "
Meanwhile, Thomas Violante stressed that "support for the most vulnerable is in the DNA of the PP, which among other things has proven that creates jobs, and that's the best social policy."
"If people are working longer receive unemployment benefits, which automatically generates a significant savings for social policies," said Thomas, "but also those who work pay taxes, thereby also contributing to Social Security , which, ultimately, is what makes possible the existence of the welfare state. "
"In this sense, the PP has shown that it is the only one capable of creating jobs and generating wealth and, therefore, to ensure that people with dependence may be met with quality services," she added.
Also, Ramón Luis Valcárcel has held that the Government of Mariano Rajoy "have undone the wrong way had to do with Zapatero in Dependency, because two weeks ago we know that Murcia 3,600 in 2014 to enter the Unit System after update on funding by the Imserso ".
As he explained, "Two weeks ago the regularization of statistical registration and payment of arrears, which will provide 18 million was announced for the Community", after which added that "normalize the record shows that the region receives, from 2014, about seven million more per year for the minimum level. "
"Does that sound that the 'I invite and you pay'?" Valcárcel asked people attending the act of Fortuna.
"Well that's what he did when Zapatero 'saved the world' launching a Law Unit undeveloped information without having to sign up and only a little, somewhat that was generating an economic hole and over the years , has led to the discomfort of thousands of families with dependents "people.
Finally, the PP regional president said that "although we have managed to fix a small part of the problem, we still have much work" because "the Dependency Law born evil, so now we work to provide aid in an orderly manner strengthening aid in service, to improve the quality of life of dependent and their families, and after that hit the system those who need it most. "
Source: PP Región de Murcia