The parish of the Immaculate Conception of Fortuna collaborates this year with the Diocese of Callao in Peru.
Through the "Help us to teach" initiative, textbooks, school supplies and teaching that allows access to education for the underprivileged children of this diocese collected.
Collection points will be in the parish and in all schools in Fortuna where boxes are enabled to deposit all materials: textbooks, notebooks, pencils, pens, encyclopedias, reading books and other material that can be used in a school or college.
Donations can be made until 20 December.
The pastor of Fortuna, Manuel Guillen, says that in this Year of Mercy "is Christ who calls us to look with mercy to our brothers involved in many forms of poverty ... And the result of this initiative this year to work arises the first of the Spiritual Works of Mercy: "Teach the ignorant."
Source: Obispado de Cartagena