The accounts for 2009, amounting to a total of € 11,625,640 and represent, in its basic lines, a bet in these times of economic crisis, maintain existing jobs, reducing current expenditure (which is a reduction over 2008 of € 294,223, ie 11% decrease), a consolidation of expenses from investments in municipal infrastructure (which increases by almost 2% compared to 2008) and, finally, a continuity in the tax freeze city, which still maintain the legal minimum since 1999, when the Popular Party began ruling in the City of Fortuna
In short, it is an austere budget, affecting social spending on job retention and improvement of services provided to the people of Fortuna.
Entrusting the management of City Morgue.
At this same meeting, the City Council has approved awarding the contract to manage the City Morgue, under which, the contractor will manage this service in exchange for a fee payable by the City for an amount of 30,000 € per year, plus each year at least 5%.
This service will start after the building of the Funeral by the City Council and represents the culmination of a commitment from local government People's Party expressed in the electoral program which involved the municipal elections.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Fortuna